Sunday, September 13, 2009

My Mistress

This was a weekend of homework. Try as I might, I can't seem to get all of it done before the weekend hits, leaving me to work on Heat Transfer or the write-ups for my three labs.  I make an effort to work from morning until 5pm every day during the week, not because there wouldn't be time to work on homework in the evening, but I want to establish the habit now of "Leave work at work!"

So, I have been working hard, coming home tired (which is actually quite refreshing in a way) and truly enjoying my evenings with Ashley. On Thursdays, when I have no classes, I try to complete all unfinished assignments because Ashley and I want to rest and spend time doing the things we can't during the week (aka rest).  Oh, and did I mention we like to try to rest on the weekends if at all possible?

With all of the time it takes to do well at the Colorado School of Mines, however, and since it's my final semester before graduating, the homework is almost always too much to complete during the 5 weekdays.

Ashley and I joke that my homework is my mistress. Then we give each other a glance that says, "I really will miss you, and homework does seem to be robbing us of something."

I'm finding in this season of my life that God is growing me by giving me a longing to be at home.  When I'm away working as a barista in the school's library/coffee shop, or sitting in class, or getting that assignment done, my heart is elsewhere.  My heart is at home with my lovely wife.

Right now she's outside returning a phone call (we have bad phone service inside our apartment).  I miss her already!

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